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Professor Nathan has authored many publications (including peer reviewed articles and book chapters).

A full list can be found at


A selection of Prof Nathan's recent publications of particular relevance to his expert witness work and clinical expertise are listed below:

Expert witness practice

  • Rix K & Nathan R (2021). Reports for criminal proceedings and in prison cases. In Rix’s Expert Psychiatric Evidence, second edition, Rix et al (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Get access)


  • Rix K, Nathan R & Rowley K (KC) (2021). Reports for family proceedings related to children. In Rix’s Expert Psychiatric Evidence, second edition, Rix et al (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Get access)


  • Nathan R (2020). Mental health and the criminal courts: Fitness to plead, culpability and the defence of insanity. In Mental Health and Punishments: Critical Perspectives in Theory and Practice, 1st edition. Taylor et al, Routledge (Get access)


  • Nathan R, Scarisbrick R & Brown G (2019). Psychiatric assessment of adults in care proceedings. BJPsych Advances, 26(1) 16-25 (Get access)


  • Nathan R and Medland S (KC) (2016) Psychiatric expert evidence and the new defences of diminished responsibility and loss of control. BJPsychAdvances, 22 (4) 277-284 (Get access)


  • Nathan R and Rix K (2016) A special case for personality disorder: are the distinctions between personality disorder and mental illness in clinical and legal practice justified? In Legal Perspectives on State Power: Consent and Control, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Get access)

Clinical practice

  • Wilson P, Humpston C & Nathan R (2022) Innovations in the psychopathology of schizophrenia: a primer for busy clinicians. BJPsych Advances 28, no. 2, 79–89 (Get access)


  • Jones S & Nathan R (2022) Constructing and conceptualizing suicide and self-harm, in Contemporary Social Problems in the UK, Stanley S (ed), Routledge (Get access)


  • Nathan R, Gabbay M, Boyle S, Elliot P, Giebel C, O’Loughlin C, Wilson P & Saini P (2021) Use of acute psychiatric hospitalisation: a study of the factors influencing decisions to arrange acute admission to inpatient mental health facilities. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 891 (Get access)


  • Nathan R & Lewis E (2021). Assessment of coexisting psychosis and substance misuse: Complexities, challenges and causality. BJPsych Advances, 27(1) 38-49 (Get access)


  • Heffernan S, Brown A, Burns D, Chidambaram A & Nathan R (2016) Assessment, Formulation and Care Pathways for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum who have Violently Offended, Clinical Psychology Forum. Special issue: Forensic Psychology, No 282 (June) (Get access)


  • Nathan R, Rix K. (2016) Suicide: Self-harm. In Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, second edition, Payne-James J, Byard R, Corey T, & Henderson C (eds). Oxford: Elsevier. (Get access)


  • Nathan R, Wood H. (2016) Forensic Psychiatry and Forensic Psychology: Personality disorder. In Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, second edition, Payne-James J, Byard R, Corey T, & Henderson C (eds). Oxford: Elsevier (Get access)

Risk and safety

  • Nathan R & Bhandari S (2022) Risk Assessment in Clinical Practice: a Framework for Decision-Making in Real-World Complex Systems. BJPsych Advances (Get access)


  • Bhandari S, Thomassen Ø & Nathan R, (2022) Causation, historiographic approaches and the investigation of adverse incidents in mental health care settings. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine (Get access)


  • Wood D, Robinson C, Nathan R & McPhillips R, (2022) A study of the implementation of patient safety policies in the NHS in England since 2000: what can we learn? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36(5), 650-65 (Get access)


  • Challinor A, Ogundalu A, McIntyre JC, Bramwell V & Nathan R (2021) The empirical evidence base for the use of the HCR-20: a narrative review of study designs and transferability of results to clinical practice.  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 78, 101729 (Get access)


  • Nathan R, Whyler J & Wilson P (2021) Risk of harm to others: subjectivity and meaning of risk in mental health practice, Journal of Risk Research, 24(10) 1228-38 (Get access)


  • Nathan R & Wilson P. (2019) The clinical assessment of acts of violence: mental mechanisms and subjectivity. British Journal of Psychiatry, Advances (Get access)


  • Lennox C & Nathan R (2017) Serious Offences – Origins and Nature of Serious Violence. In Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of Young Offenders, Cambridge University Press (Get access)



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